Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Sometimes You Just Have To Get It Out

Luis Angel is home sick today. Poor guy. It is the last week of school. His last week of kindergarten, and, naturally, he has a fever of 103 degrees. I emailed his teacher to let her know that he would be spending the day with me. She suggested that he practice his part in this week's graduation ceremony. It is one simple line - "We worked hard everyday." As we were practicing, I started to lose it. My babies are graduating from kindergarten. For real this time. Yes, we did this last year. Yes, everything about this past year of school has had a "been there, done that" feel to it. But the fact that they are really "graduating" from kindergarten and moving on to first grade is crazy emotional for me. It goes beyond the pride I feel in what they have been able to accomplish in such a short amount of time. It is simply the fact that I have barely had the chance to know them, and they are growing up so fast.

When we first met all of them at the ICBF offices in Pereira, Colombia three years ago it seemed as if they would always be the tiny boys with the tiny voices that came careening into our lives. But now they have grown so much taller, put on weight so that they are on the growth chart. Their English is so amazing that we rarely have to translate for others what is being said. Samuel spends most of his time down the street at a friend's house, and no longer needs a booster seat. The twins have become independent to the point that I cherish the moments that I am asked for a cuddle or a hug. What I am saying is that the past (nearly) three years has gone by too fast. We have not known them nearly as long as we wish we could have. I am certain the next three will fly by as well.

I am sure I will have more to report on Thursday after the big graduation...once I stop blubbering.


  1. Aw, this post is so sweet! :-)

    We are just starting out on the road to adoption (to Colombia ~ for siblings).

    I'm sure I'll be a regular reader here! :) Ami
    www.walkingbytheway.com :)

  2. Whoops. I thought your post was 2012, but I see it was 2011. I hope you will consider continuing blogging! :) Ami
